Murphy’s Blog

Hi there

High paw for Year 4 today, and first up was Tom Gates: Dog Zombies Rule, and I heard all about Tom’s pet hamster, Marble, who kept everyone awake at night on her squeaky wheel, especially Tom’s sister, Delia.  I think I’d be too big to be squeaking on a wheel!

Atticus Claw Breaks the Law was next, and three magpies were gathering around their friend Beaky’s body, and they had a plan …

Next was Diary of a Wimpy Kid and I heard all about Greg’s neighbourhood and the five Marlee sisters, who all sounded a bit fierce!

Then it was – hang on a minute, I just need a scratch – then it was The Niteracy Hour, and Duncan was bullying Greg and calling him rude names like Eggy Greggy.  Greg needed to find a way of getting his own back …

Last today was Horrid Henry and The Mega-Mean Time Machine, and it was Mum’s birthday but the problem was, the family couldn’t decide where to go to celebrate!  That’s a great problem to have!

Keep reading!

Licky lick

love Murphy