Year 5 Taster Day at Testwood Sports College
On Tuesday, Year 5 spent the day at Testwood. This was to see what a typical day was like at a secondary school. They had a superb day trying out different lessons. Some of them did some drama, some did Technology where they had to creat a moving vehicle with a sail. They all did PE in the enormous sports hall. They then went into the science labs to look at acids and alkalines and tested various liquids with universal indicator. It was such fun as they had to wear googles and aprons
The children stayed for lunch and were able to eat with the Testwood students and then we had a final assembly where Testwood showcased some of their talented musicains and singers. Some children were also awarded certificates for effort in lessons.
As usual the children behaved extremely well and all enjoyed the day. They can’t wait to go to Testwood now…..!