This week’s learning 12th – 16th Oct
Year 3:We are coming to the end of our place value learning journey in maths. It is really important that children master place value before we move on to new learning as it underpins all maths, so we have dedicated the whole half a term to it. The children have worked really hard. This week we have been applying our knowledge to comparing numbers and using the symbols: < > = accurately. We have then ordered numbers from smallest to largest and largest to smallest. Next week we will be recapping all of the learning from the term to round the learning journey up. During English sessions this week, we have started a new learning journey for non-fiction writing. We have been looking at what is needed when writing a recipe, such as a heading, subheadings, numbered steps, time conjunctions, adverbs and verbs. We have been practising using these features because next week we will be writing our own recipe for magic baked beans on toast that links with the book focus: Jack and Baked Beanstalk!
Year 4:This week in year 4, we have been starting our new design and technology topic-puppets! We have been looking at a variety of puppets and designing our own puppet suitable for a young child.
In English we have been looking at the book ‘The day the crayons quit’ and planning our own persuasive letter similar to the letters in the book.
In Maths, we have been very busy following on from our place value learning by rounding to the nearest 1000 and ordering numbers.
Next week we will be sewing our puppets, very exciting!
Year 5: This week in English we have been identifying the features of a newspaper report. In Maths we have been learning column addition and subtraction.
Next week in English we will be planning and writing a newspaper report about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. In Maths we will be learning about the inverse operations.
You can help us in our learning at home by giving us addition and subtraction problems, such as adding up the weekly shop. You can also help us by challenging us on our timestables.
Year 6: In literacy this week, year 6 have been writing speeches from the perspective of the Minotaur to persuade the people of Crete of his innocence. Next week, we will be imitating a poem by Maya Angelou called ‘I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings’ to compare the feelings of a trapped Minotaur with a free Minotaur. In maths we have been using bar models to help us understand inverse operations as well as solving multi-step addition and subtraction problems. Next week, we will be developing our written methods of multiplication. Finally, in art, we have been designing and creating bowls in the style of the artist Trevor Baird. Next week, we will be learning about the concept of ‘power’ in RE.