Our learning this week 5th Oct

Year 3:In Maths this week, we have been problem solving using our knowledge of 1, 10 and 100. Next week we will be comparing and ordering numbers. In English, we have been writing a job application for the giant to be a cook in Jack’s Café. We used adjectives to describe his qualities and explained why he would be good for the job.

Year 4: This week in year 4 we have been learning what it means to eat a balanced diet.  This included looking at the different food groups and what affect they have on our bodies. In English we have writing the opening to our narratives based on Tattercoats. In Maths we have been very busy following on from our place value learning by partitioning numbers in a variety of ways, filling in missing numbers on number lines and carrying out activities that require us to work out 1000 more or less of different numbers. Next week we will be starting our very exciting DT!

Year 5: This week in Maths we have been learning column addition with 4 and 5 digit numbers. In English we have begun our new unit of work will be writing a newspaper report on the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb! Next week in Maths we will be learning column subtraction. In English we will be learning about the features of a newspaper report!

Year 6: In literacy this week, we have been writing our own fight scenes based on Theseus and the Minotaur. Next week, we will be writing speeches from the viewpoint of the Minotaur and pleading our innocence to the Greek citizens. In maths, we have been solving addition and subtraction problems and using column strategies to help us. Next week, we will be solving problems using inverse operations. In History, we have completed our Greek PowerPoints about the Greek legacy and next week we will be designing and creating Greek bowls.