Our learning 6th-10th December

Year 3This week we have been starting our R.E topic all about Mary, mother of God. We have discussed Holy and what it means to Christians. In English this week, we have been writing our own opening for our iron creature we have created. In Maths, we have been learning column subtraction. We have been adding three digit numbers, most of us have moved on exchanging the tens into ones and then exchanging hundreds into tens.

Year 4This week in maths we have been learning how to subtract three digit numbers from three digit numbers with exchanging. In English we have been exploring instructional texts and finding their features. In history we have debated if the Vikings were raiders or traders and forming our own opinions using knowledge that we have learnt.

Next week in maths we will be subtracting four digit numbers from four digit numbers. In English we will be writing our own instructional text to share with Year 3. We will also be starting our Art unit of work based on the artist Antony Gormley. This week we also performed our Christmas show to the school and also had a professional company in to record it! We are very proud of all the children because they did a fantastic job! We will be sending out details soon to inform you of how you can see our fantastic performance.

Year 5This week, in English, we have been exploring the features and planning our persuasive letter to Miss Ingram. In Maths, we have been looking at different areas of multiplication. Some of us have been looking at partitioning numbers to multiply and some of us have been multiplying numbers by 10,100 and 1000. In RE, we have been looking into the concept of faith, trust, and belief.

Year 6In literacy this week, year 6 have been busy publishing their non-chronological reports.  In maths, we have been learning more about remainders and understanding what the remainder means in the context of the problem.  Meanwhile, in science we have been learning about how plants have adapted to suit their environment.  Next week, we will be learning about the role of the Magi and their role in giving a warning in the Christmas story as well as making moving cars in DT. Children will get the opportunity to bring home their DT designs for a contribution of £2 towards the materials.

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