Our learning
Year 3: This week in English we have been looking at paragraphs. We have been sorting ideas into groups to help us understand that paragraphs group similar information together. This will then support us through the rest of the week, when we write our own descriptions of Mr Twit. We will be able to organise our ideas into paragraphs clearly to allow our writing to flow better. In maths this week, we have been looking at a strategy called ’round and adjust’. This strategy will help us to add and subtract mentally. For example, if we need to add 9 to a number we found that by using round and adjust, we can around nine to ten and add on ten first because that is easier and then adjust by subtracting one. Next week we will be looking at another mental strategy called ‘bridging’.
Year 4:Last week in English we have been looking at how CS Lewis has used language to create different characters and settings in the story of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. We have experimented with word order and looked for various synonyms based on language found in the text. In maths we’ve been developing different strategies for multiplication including mental and both formal and informal written strategies. Throughout it all we have discussed which method is the most efficient and when you may use one strategy over the other. We are now looking at multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit numbers and will be moving onto 3 digit by 1 digit next. In science, we had a special visit from Mrs Saxby who spoke to us about how to stay safe around electricity. It was a really fun afternoon and involved designing posters and even dressing up! Thank you so much for coming in, Mrs Saxby!
Year 5: This week in literacy we have been identifying how an author creates tension in their writing through their use of sentence length. In maths we have been developing our methods of multiplication and solving multiplication problems.
Next week in literacy, we will be writing our own chapter for our class novel with the aim of developing tension in our writing. In maths we will be focussing on division and developing methods to solve division problems. You can help us in our learning by practising our times tables with us.
Don’t forget our final Leeson House meeting on Monday 27th January at 3.15pm!
Year 6:This week, in literacy, we have been writing letters from the perspective of Stanley from ‘Holes.’ Next week, we will be using descriptive language to describe the ‘Wreck’ Room and writing diaries from the perspective of the Warden. In maths, we have been adding and subtracting mixed fractions. Next week, we will be learning to multiply and divide fractions. In science, we have been learning more about evolution and the work of Charles Darwin.