Our learning

Year 3: In our maths we are continuing to learn a range of multiplication strategies. Our mighty maths after lunch is helping us to consolidate these strategies.  Well done to all of those children who are working so hard to learn their times tables.  In our English we are trying to create a vivid picture of stormy weather using descriptive language.  By the end of the week we should have composed a lovely description as a group, edited it and published it.  Some of this work will be on display in the hall.  We are really focusing on handwriting at the moment: many of us are starting to learn how to join letters.  

The rehearsal for the Christmas show has taken a bit of a hit with so many children being ill but we are persevering by learning the songs and once everyone is well again, rehearsal can resume.  Please keep helping your children to learn their lines.  

Year 4:Last week we looked at where the Vikings came in history, what life was like for a Viking. This week we are looking at Viking battles; how they prepared for battle and the types of boats they used.

In English we are reading ‘Beowulf’ and comparing this story with ‘The Saga of Biorn’. We are looking at speech and how to use it in our action scenes. We will also be looking at exciting vocabulary to use in our writing. In Maths we are focusing on multiplication this week and using a variety of resources to help us solve multiplication questions. Don’t forget next Wednesday is our Viking morning where we are dressing up and watching Marcus’ Viking show!


Year 5: This week in maths we have been identifying multiples of numbers. In literacy we have been identifying rhetorical questions and how they are used to persuade people.

Next week in maths we are learning about factors of numbers. In literacy we will be writing a persuasive letter to Sir Richard Branson to persuade him to allow us to take a trip on the Virgin Galactic.

You can help us with our learning at home by encouraging us to logon to Timestables Rockstars and helping us practise our timestables. You can also help us by helping us research the Virgin Galactic

Year 6:We were fortunate this week to receive a visit from Chloe’s mum and her colleague to help us launch our new science topic – ‘Buzz Lightyear.’ We learnt about electricity and how to keep ourselves safe. In science we have also learnt about natural and man-made light sources. In literacy this week, we have been looking at the language used in ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles.’ Next week, we will be imitating the author in order to develop suspense for our own stories. In maths, we have been developing our written methods of multiplication. Next week, we will be developing our written methods of division. We have also been busy this week doing some practice SATS papers to see the progress we have made since September and to help us know which areas we need to continue working on.