Our learning 16th -20th October 2020
Year 3:Year 3 have now completed their place value learning journey, which they have worked really hard on. We are now confident with understanding the value of digits, comparing numbers and using the less than, greater than and equal to symbols and ordering numbers. A lot of us found finding 1, 10 and 100 more or less than a number tricky, especially when we have to count back over the hundreds boundaries e.g. 10 less than 303. Therefore please practise this at home. After half term, we will have a brief recap on this term’s learning before moving onto addition and subtraction. In English this week, children have written, edited and published their recipes for how to make magic baked beans on toast! They have produced some beautifully presented work that includes all the features we knew a recipe should have, including: numbered steps, verbs, adverbs, headings and subheadings. Well done for all the children’s efforts this term. Have a lovely and well deserved break!
Year 4:This week in year 4, we have been sewing our wonderful puppets. We have learnt how to use the running stitch and blanket stitch to sew together our puppets. We are going to be showing them to caterpillars and are so excited about this!
In English, we have been looking at the book ‘The day the crayons quit’ and writing our own letter about the crayons in year 4. In Maths, we have been very busy looking at addition, adding 1s, 10s, 100s that need exchanging. We have used many practical resources to help us. Next half term we will looking at Vikings, look out for our home learning sheet coming home today!
Year 5: This week in English we have been writing a newspaper report about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb using all the features we have learnt. In Maths, we have been learning to use the inverse using addition and subtraction.
After half term we will be starting our new topic called ‘Life in Space!’ We will be learning about all the planets in space. In English we will be starting our new book and new unit of work. In Maths, we will be consolidating our learning of multiplication.
Year 6: This week we have been busy writing poems comparing a free Minotaur with a caged Minotaur. We’ve also learnt about the concept of power and how it affects our lives as well as other people. For Black History Week, we have learnt about the work of Martin Luther King and wrote our own speeches based on ‘I Have A Dream.’ There will be no MyMaths homework set over half term but please encourage your child to continue with their reading. Please bring October Reading Records back into school on Tuesday 3rd November. Finally, a huge thank you and well done for all the Greek Home Learning projects. The children have produced some lovely pieces of work!