Murphy’s Blog

Murphy’s Blog

 Hi there

I was s-o-o-o-o-o glad to be back at school after not being well, and I got loads and loads of tummy tickles from everyone! 

I was with Year 3 today, and first was Hiking Adventure: How to Trek the Himalayas.  I found out what food I need to take (rice and pasta) and how to cross a river on a zip wire.  If I did that, I’d have to hold on with all my paws, and my tail as well!  I’d be like a monkey!

Next was Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Demetrius woke up with a start when Lysander tripped over him, and the first person he saw he was going to fall in love with …

Then it was Egyptology, and more finding out, like did you know that some mummies were buried with more than a hundred pieces of jewellery – on all their fingers and toes too!

Then it was The Enormous Crocodile, and the enormous crocodile wanted to eat a nice juicy child, but the notsobig crocodile tells him that they taste nasty and bitter, and he should stick to fish.  Mmmmmmm … fish … I like fish too.

Go Well Anna Hibiscus came next, and Anna fired a stone at a cooking pot with her catapult – ker-ping!

After that I listened to Horrid Henry’s Haunted House, and Henry was on his way to cousin Steve who lived with rich aunt Ruby, who always greeted him with a big fat kiss. Euch!

Last today was The Contest, and Max was just about to race the Moxorian on his holo-board.  Who do you think won?

Great reading today Year 3!

I’m on my holibobs next week, so see you the following week.

Licky lick

love Murphy