Murphy our Reading Dog’s Blog Thursday 28 June 2018

Hi there
It was s-o-o-o-o-o-o hot today that I told Mum it’d be a good idea if we sat near to an open door to hear Year 4, but even better than that, we sat outside – under a lovely shady tree!
First today was Daisy’s Big Dig, and Mr Hofmeister had a digging party for everyone.  I wish I’d been invited – I’m very good at digging!
Next was What Happened to the Dinosaurs?  Did you know that the word “dinosaur” actually means “terrible lizard”?  I didn’t know that!
After that was Captain Underpants and the Big Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy, where Melvin dreamed he built a robot and could combine himself with it – wow!  Imagine if I was a robot, I could … hang on a minute, robots don’t eat anything do they?  That’s no good for me – I love my food!
Then it was Fantastic Mr Fox, where I heard about three farmers: first Farmer Boggis, the one who was enormously fat and ate three boiled chickens with dumplings every mealtime.  You’ll have to read it too, to find out all about the other two farmers!
Last today was another Roald Dahl book – George’s Marvellous Medicine, and Grandma told George he was growing too fast and that he’d only end up stupid and lazy!  Crazy lady!  Everyone knows that children are bright and full of energy!
I’m on my holidays now in Yorkshire and the Lake District, but I will be at Totton Library on Thursday 26 July, so maybe I’ll see you then!
Keep reading
Licky lick
love Murphy