Murphy our Reading Dog’s Blog Thursday 11 October 2018

Hi there
Today I was with Mr Darch’s Year 4 and first up was Sandy Lane Stables, and one of the horses, Silver Dancer, had gone!
Next was Danny, the Champion of the World, and I found out that a cricket’s ears are in its legs!  That’s amazing!  I never knew that!
Underwater Treasure was next, and I learned about a medieval sword which was found in the River Witham in 1825.  It was engraved with words in gold which even today nobody can translate, but maybe someone, somewhere, one day …
Last today was Coming Clean which was about a teacher called Mr Such (the children called him Old Baggy Pants).  He had bought a new white suit for parents’ evening, and he wanted to keep it nice and clean … do you think he did?  Hahahaha!  You’ll have to read it to find out!
Keep reading
Licky lick
love Murphy
October 18 website