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Attendance & Absences

At Calmore Junior School, we believe that regular and punctual attendance is essential for children to achieve their full potential. Attending school every day helps children develop good habits, build strong relationships, and make the most of their learning opportunities.

Why Attendance Matters

  • Learning: Missing school means missing out on valuable lessons and activities that help your child progress.
  • Social Development: Regular attendance helps children build friendships and feel part of the school community.
  • Future Success: Good attendance habits established early in life support success in education and beyond.

We aim for every student to have at least 96% attendance throughout the school year.

Reporting Absences

If Your Child is Unwell

  • Please notify the school office by 9:00 am on the first day of absence.
  • Call 02380 865354 or email to inform us of the reason for the absence and the expected duration. If we have not heard from you by 9:00am, we will follow this up with a text.
  • For illnesses lasting longer than three days, a follow-up update may be required.

Medical Appointments

  • Where possible, schedule appointments outside of school hours.
  • If your child needs to leave school during the day for an appointment, please provide advance notice and bring proof of the appointment (e.g., an appointment card or letter).

Requesting Leave During Term Time

  • Family holidays and other absences during term time are discouraged and will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.
  • To request leave, complete the Leave of Absence Form available from the school office or website and return it at least two weeks in advance.
  • Unauthorised absences may result in penalty notices or further action from the local authority.


Being on time is just as important as regular attendance. Year group doors close at 8:30 am and children should be in class and ready to learn by this time.

  • Late arrivals: If your child arrives after 8:30 am, they must sign in at the school office.
  • Persistent lateness will be monitored, and we may contact parents/carers to offer support in resolving any issues.

Support for Attendance

We understand that some families face challenges that can affect attendance. Our school is here to help. If you are struggling to ensure your child attends regularly, please contact us to discuss how we can support you.

Monitoring Attendance

  • Attendance is monitored regularly, and parents will be informed if their child’s attendance drops below 90%, which is considered persistent absence.
  • We will work with families to address concerns and ensure every child can attend school consistently.