Our learning

Our Learning

Year 3: This week in Maths we have rounded up our learning on addition and we are now looking at subtraction. We are using the number line method again and have started off working practically. When we work on a number line for subtraction, we recognise that the direction we move along is different to addition. We work from right to left. This is because the value of the numbers are getting smaller when we take away. After this learning journey, we will be finishing up this term by looking at measure.   We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at our Exit Point Thursday 17th October


In English, we have been writing our new and improved recipe card for how to make ‘magic baked beans on toast’. We have thought about how we can make our instructions clear to the reader, by including numbered steps, time conjunctions, imperative verbs and adverbs. We will then go on to publish this next week after we have edited our final set of instructions. 


Year 4: In Maths we have looked at various subtractions methods and using the bar model to support these. Next week we will be learning about shape and angles. We have been writing persuasive letters this week in English. We are trying to persuade Mr Darch to make the learning of first aid compulsory at Calmore. Next week we will be making puppets in DT. This will include designing, sewing and decorating them.

Year 5: This week in literacy we have been learning about relative clauses and how they can improve a sentence. In maths, we have started our new unit of work on measurement and different units of measure.

Next week in literacy we will be learning about inverted commas and how they can be used in a newspaper report. In maths we will be converting between units of measure. You can help us in our learning at home by reading newspaper reports with us. You can also help us by finding things around the house to measure using different units of measure (cm, m, mm, kg, g and l)

Year 6:In literacy this week, we have published our ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’ myths.  We have also started to think about reasons for why the Minotaur should be set free from the labyrinth in preparation for writing our speeches next week.  In maths, we have continued to develop our mental strategies of multiplication and division.  Next week, we will be developing our written methods of addition and subtraction.  In topic, we have been learning about the Greek philosopher Archimedes and understanding the legacy his work has left us today.  Next week, we will be starting our new RE topic about ‘power.’  To help your child at home this week, please continue to support them with their homework.  We are also looking forward to seeing their Greek Home Learning Projects by Monday 21st October.  Thank you!