Our learning this week 19th- 23rd April
Year 3:Year 3 have settled back in well after the Easter break. In maths this week, we have looked at unit and non-unit fractions. This was a good recap from our learning on fractions before Easter. We will then be applying this knowledge throughout the term to different contexts with fractions.
In English, we have started looking at our new book ‘Mrs Noah’s Pockets’. We read the introduction and identified verbs, similes and personification. We then had a go rewriting the opening using new and improved verbs that we found in the thesauruses.
Just a reminder that Monday is our Roman day. Children can come in dressed up as a Roman and will be having a go at lots of different fun activities throughout the day.
Year 4:This week in year 4, we have started our new topic about mountains and volcanoes! The children loved taking part in our launch day on Monday; we trained to be mountain explorers, discovered what mountains we have in the U.K, looked at survival skills and researched famous explorers. In English, we have been reading the story ‘The Abominables’ about a girl who is kidnapped by a yeti. We are using this story to give us ideas to write a setting description about mountains.
In Maths, we have been learning about fractions. We have looked at what a half or a quarter means and how to make half or a quarter of an amount.
Year 5:This week in English we have started our new unit of work on Kensuke’s Kindom by Michael Morpurgo. We have been debating whether children should be given a year off school to go travelling. In Maths we have been exploring tenths and dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10.
Next week in English we will be looking at the features of a balanced argument. In Maths we will be exploring hundredths. We will also be starting our new Science topic on Sound.
Year 6: Year 6 have had a very busy week first week back! In literacy we have been learning all about William Shakespeare and producing an information text for a tourist. In maths we have been learning about equivalent fractions and decimals. Next week in literacy we will be learning more about The Globe Theatre and in maths we will be learning about the links between fractions, decimals and percentages. In History we have started our new topic about the “Marvellous Maya.” We have discovered where and when this ancient civilisation lived and thought about lots of things we would like to find out about during this topic. Your child will have bought home information about their Home Learning project for this half term to help them learn more about these fascinating people.