Our Learning last week
Year 3-
Another week of lots of hard work from year 3. This week we have finished our Geography topic
‘Do you live around here?’ Next week we will be starting our R.E topic. In English this week, we have
been looking at instructions and in particular, how to include verbs and adverbs into our own
instructions. In Maths, we have been learning about place value. We have been ordering two and
three-digit numbers from smallest to largest, using practical resources to help us.
Year 4 –
This week in English we have been learning about expanded noun phrases and what their
purpose is. In maths we have been comparing numbers up to four digits. In DT we have
designed our puppets and have begun to manufacture them. Next week in English we will be
writing our own opening to a story based on Tattercoats. In maths we will be completing an
assessment and reflecting on what we have learnt so far.
Don’t forget our Y4 Exit point on Thursday 21st October at 2.30pm. Come and see what we
have been learning so far this year!
Year 5 –
This week in maths, we have been diving into addition and subtraction. In English, we have been
learning the skills that we need to create our own non-chronological report. Our history journey
has sadly ended after reflecting on ‘why the passage to the afterlife was important to the Ancient
Egyptians’. Next week we will be exploring significant figures and teaching the children about the
accomplishments of Rosa Parks. In English, we will be finishing our non-chronological reports and in
maths, we will be concluding our learning on addition before moving onto subtraction. For R.E we
will be looking at stewardship.
Year 6 –
It was lovely to see so many of you at our Exit Point yesterday – we hope you enjoyed sharing some
of your child’s work. This week in literacy, we have been writing speeches from the perspective of
the Minotaur to explain to the people of Crete why we are innocent. In maths, we have been
learning about column addition and subtraction. In RE, we have been learning about the concept of
power and how it affects our lives and the lives of others. Next week, we will be designing and
creating Greek bowls as well as celebrating Black History. Thank you for all the Home Learning
Projects we have received so far! We are looking forward to seeing some more by Monday 18th
October. Many thanks