Our learning 7th – 11th December
Year 3:In Year 3, we have been looking at another mental strategy in maths called bridging. This is when we are adding or subtracting a number that will take us over a ten. For this strategy we have needed to draw on our knowledge of number bonds to ten and number bonds of the number within ten.
In English, we wrote, edited and published our descriptions of our own iron creatures, in the style of Ted Hughes. We used adjectives, rhetorical questions, similes and personification to add detail and wonderful description to our writing.
Year 4: This week in year 4, we have been summarising our Viking topic and debating whether Vikings were raiders or traders.
In English, we have been writing our instructions informing a Viking how to reach Valhalla. We have been focusing on an introduction paragraph using rhetorical questions. In Maths, we have been very busy looking estimation and rounding. Then later in the week, we have started looking at measurement and converting metres into centimetres.
Year 5: This week in English we have been writing our persuasive letters to Sir Richard Branson to persuade him to give us a free trip on the Virgin Galactic. In maths we have been learning to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000.
Next week in English we will be taking part in the Young Writers Competition and writing short stories. In Maths we will be learning how to calculate the area and perimeter of shapes.
Year 6: This week we have been busy writing letters to Sir Robert Peel to explain our concerns about the effects of the pollution caused by the Industrial Revolution. Next week we will be doing a piece of creative writing to enter into another competition. Fingers crossed, we will get some more pieces published! In maths we have been investigating square and cube numbers as well as learning about the importance of doing operations in the correct order. For example, if a calculation contains brackets, you must always do the brackets first. Next week, we will be developing our mental strategies. We have also learnt about how warnings were given in the Christmas story, as part of our RE.