Our Learning 28th June- 2nd July



Year 3:This week Year 3 have been looking at addition. We have recapped using a numbering and bridging over the tens and hundreds boundaries to work efficiently. We are ready to move onto the column method for addition next week.

In English, we have continued typing up our report on PowerPoint. Not only have we published our bug hotel report and presented it beautifully, we have also learnt lots of new skills on the computer using PowerPoint, such as adding new slides; text boxes and shapes; setting backgrounds and changing fonts. We have thoroughly enjoyed this and are so pleased with our final published pieces. 

Year 4: This week in year 4, we had a wonderful trip to Sea City museum! We learnt so much about the Titanic, its crewmembers, life on board the ship and who survived. In English, we are publishing our own Titanic stories ready for Year 5 to read. In Maths, we have been practising our formal written methods for multiplication; we have started looking at the grid method this week.

Year 5:This week in English, we have been rewriting the opening to Goodnight Mr. Tom for our new Year 6 teachers. In maths, we have been consolidating our learning of division.

Next week in English we will be starting our new unit of work: writing a newspaper report on the Blitz. In maths, we will be continuing our learning of formal methods of division. We will also be starting our Art unit based on the work of Henry Moore.

Year 6: This week, we have been busy writing letters to our new Year 7 teachers to introduce ourselves and share some of our hopes and dreams for the future. We have also been reflecting on our year and producing some writing to include in our reports. In maths, we have been learning how to use a protractor to measure and draw angles. Next week, we will be learning how to calculate missing angles. In PSHE, we have learnt about conception, pregnancy and birth. Next week, we will be starting a unit of work to begin to prepare for our transition into Year 7. We will discuss our doubts and fears and also the challenges and opportunities, which lay ahead.