Murphy Our Reading Dog’s Bog Thursday 2 November 2017

Hi there
Some great reading today!
First today was The Lost Voice, where Chip had lost his voice and Floppy thought he knew where it was!  He looked in the radio, in the TV, even under the bed, but he couldn’t find it anywhere!  Where else do you think he could look?
Next was Noah’s Ark Adventure and the children were feeling fed up with the rain, so they used the magic key to go to another land and … you’ll have to read it to find out what happened!  I don’t mind the rain, I just shake it all off again!
Then I listened to The Giant Postman, where Billy had a letter to give to the postman in the village.
Last today was Chamber of Treasures where Nok was trapped in one of the cages with all the rubies.  Do you think the friends were able to rescue him?
Keep reading
Licky lick
love Murphy