Murphy Our Reading Dog’s Blog Thursday 17 May 2018

Hi there
Oh phew!  I was allowed back into school even though I was a bit poorly-ick on the carpet last week.  Hip hip hooray!
So I was with Year 3 today and first I listened to The Lottie Project, where Charlie and Jo were chatting about going to Red River Park, which sounded a bit like Paultons!
Next was Esio Trot, and Mr Hoppy went to a pet shop and bought 140 tortoises which he carried home in lots of baskets!
After that, I heard more Roald Dahl – The Twits this time – where Mr Twit tied Mrs Twit’s ankles to an iron ring so she wouldn’t float away when he then tied the balloons onto her!
Then it was Beast Quest, Ferno and Tom and Elenna found some real dragon skin in a cave.
Totally Big Fat Bonkers Diary of a Pig was next and it was exactly that – a very funny oinky diary of a farmer’s pig!
Next was 365 Penguins, where penguins in boxes just kept on arriving, and finally today, I listened to Fly Power, and I found out that there’s a type of maggot which lives right inside a sheep’s nose!   Aaaargh!  That’s SO gross, it makes me want to sneeze!
I’m on my holidays next week, so have a great half term, and keep reading!
Licky lick
love Murphy