Year 5/6 Cross Country Relays
A brilliant afternoon at the Y5/6 Cross Country Relays at Gang Warily. Running in teams of 3, we managed to take an incredible 20 pupils from the two year groups and they ran their socks off. The weather was refreshingly kind for once and a quick walk around the 1.5km course gave the pupils an insight into what lay ahead. First up was the girls race and our magnificent seven led by example. Each girl gave it their all and ‘left it all on the course’. Superb. The boys race followed and once again each pupil pushed themselves to their limit…and then beyond. We spoke about imagining our energy as a bottle of water - don’t pour it away too quickly; leave some for the end. The trick was knowing how hard to squeeze. But they all timed it perfectly, empty at the finish but beaming with pride and support for each other. Well done, Team Calmore. Amazing.