Year 3/4 Gymnastics Festival
Felt like Spring today…and not just the weather! There was a lot of spring in the steps of 12 Year 4 pupils who took to the floor at Noadswood School this afternoon as part of the Y3/4 gymnastics festival. The event had proven so popular that we took our older aged pupils this time, knowing there will be more opportunities for our Year 3s in the coming years. The children were certainly put through their paces and were shattered by the end of another exhilarating afternoon of tumbles, leaps and somersaults. Led once again by the impressive young leaders from @noadswood_pe the children had a great time experiencing gymnastics in a completely different environment to normal. Individual skill on show but also collaborative work in creating their own balances and sequences - an inspiring afternoon for future Max Whitlocks, Joe Frasers and Elissa & Becky Downies!