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At Calmore Junior School, we believe that art is a vital part of children’s education and has a significant and valuable role in the taught curriculum, as well as in the enrichment opportunities we offer children. We aim to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.  The curriculum will develop both children’s understanding of art, craft and design and their critical thinking when creating their own work and considering the work of others.  They will learn how art, craft and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation whilst also studying artists from other cultures.



Using the National Curriculum, we will ensure that children receive a rich art and design curriculum that builds on skills and knowledge from Year 3 to Year 6. Art and design will be taught in units, ensuring the integrity of the subject remains at the forefront.



Art learning journeys ensure that children:

  • learn about contemporary and historic artists, designers and crafts people
  • respond to and incorporate the ideas of the above groups
  • discuss and question the stimulus/theme
  • have the opportunity to experience and develop skills in drawing, painting, collage, printing, textiles, sculpture and ICT
  • investigate materials, composition and ideas
  • explore their own ideas considering different methods, styles, approaches, skills, techniques, materials and processes
  • have the opportunity to develop an art and design vocabulary linked to the visual elements (colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space)
  • produce their own art work
  • reflect and compare their own work to that of the artist/designer/crafts person studied

Our art and design units will include our curriculum principles:

  • Enrichment/Enjoyment (Learning from artists, crafts people, designers; investigating natural and manufactured objects; using the local environment; visiting a gallery; engaging in art themed days; producing art for local events)
  • Depth & Challenge (A depth of experience is gained through developing knowledge and ideas; refining and experimenting; recording observations and presenting responses)
  • Quality Outcome which gives purpose to the learning (eg a small gallery)
  • Personalisation (Giving children choice and a passion for following their own lines of enquiry - choice of media, colours, presentation)
  • Connections (links to other curriculum areas and prior units in art; building on skills and techniques already developed through similar units)
  • Relevant to our children and context (through their learning in other curriculum areas)
  • Enquiry based/igniting curiosity (through the use of media and techniques)



At the end of Key Stage 2 we want our children to:

  • appreciate the rich and varied cultural history of our nation and that of other nations
  • use the key art and design skills that are needed to allow them to produce inventive pieces of art
  • learn and use the associated vocabulary
  • understand that art and design is a personal expression and response to a stimulus
  • appreciate that artists, crafts people and designers have a purpose in their work
  • consider the impact of the final piece upon themselves and a wider audience
  • experience how producing art can lead to a sense of satisfaction and well being